Energy efficient, cost-saving radiant heaters

DTH(S)-2 125, 150 MBH (Mfg 1988-1989) Tube Heater Parts

DTHS Installation Manual

By selecting the Data Reference link(s) above you acknowledge that it links to an out-of-production installation, operation manual from the time of a particular heater manufacture.  Refer to current day production installation, operation manuals for current day installation requirements.

DTHS Series  Status: OBSOLETE

Part DescriptionOriginal
Part Number

Part Number

FanTP-55ATP-55A **
Burner – Normally Open Air SwitchTP-61BTP-264B **
Exhaust – Normally Closed Air SwitchTP-60DTP-60D **
Radiant SensorTP-64TP-64
Circuit BoardTP-77Not Available
Wire HarnessTP-78BNot Available
Ignition DeviceTP-50TP-50A
BurnerTP-48Not Available
Natural Gas ValveTP-36A or TP-36BNot Available
LP Gas ValveTP-36CNot Available
Burner HousingTP-42Not Available
16″ Burner TubeTP-6ANot Available
Combustion Chamber1TP-8D or TP-26BTP-26B
Radiant TubesTP-26ATP-26A
10 Ft. Highly Polished Aluminum Reflector Section2,3TP-20A or TP-20CTP-20C
Downstream Reflector Sections (DTH only)2TP-20BNot Available

**  Circuit Board and Gas Valve are NO LONGER AVAILABLE

1  Refers to the first 10′ section of tubing downstream of burner.  Select the TP-8D for use with DTH Series, select the TP-26B for use with the DTHS Series.

  The first 10 Ft. section of reflector differs from the remaining 10 Ft. downstream sections of reflector (for theDTH Series model only.)  Use TP-20A for the first 10 Ft. Section of reflector and TP-20B for the remaining sections.

3  Use TP-20C for DTHS Series models.